This is archived information for Stat 445 Sect 201 (Spring, 2005).
The following materials are available in the Main Library Reserve collection for 1-day loan:
- Everitt, Handbook of Statistical Analyses using S-PLUS, 1st ed., 1994. (QA76.73.S64 E93 1994)
- Spector, Introduction to S and S-PLUS, 1994. (QA76.73.S15 S63 1994)
- Venables and Ripley, Modern Applied Statistics with S, 4th ed., 2002. (QA276.4.V46 2002)
You can check their availability by searching for "Course: STAT 445" materials on the course reserve search page.
R Resources
- The R Project main web site: with links to R resources and documentation.
- The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN): SFU mirror or main site, where you can download the R base system and many add-on packages (for free).
- Introduction to R: an online document available as a web page or a PDF document that closely mirrors much of Chapters 1-4 of the textbook.
This is archived information for Stat 445 Sect 201 (Spring, 2005).