Stat 445: Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis

This is archived information for Stat 445 Sect 201 (Spring, 2005).


Jan 5 Brief Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis 1-8 PDF (38k)
Jan 7 Introduction to R: Getting Started, Vectors, Factors 1-9 PDF (34k)
Jan 10 Introduction to R: Data Frames, Data Import, Working with Columns 10-20 PDF (49k)
Jan 12 Introduction to R: Working with Rows, Cross-Tabulation 21-26 PDF (24k)
Jan 14 Introduction to R: Linear Regression 27-31 PDF (26k)
Jan 17 Introduction to R: Linear Regression (none)
Jan 19 Introduction to R: One-Factor ANOVA 32-38 PDF (27k)
Jan 21 Introduction to R: Base Graphics, Part 1 39-53 PDF (173k)
Jan 24 Introduction to R: Base Graphics, Part 2 54-66 PDF (141k)
Jan 26 Introduction to R: Base Graphics, Part 3 and R Programming, Part 1 67-73 PDF (41k)
Jan 28 Introduction to R: R Programming, Part 2 74-82 PDF (231k)
Jan 5-28 Introduction to R: All Slides 1-82 PDF (597k)
Jan 31 Chapter 5: 5.1 Probability Distributions 1-4 PDF (27k)
Feb 2 Chapter 5: 5.1 Probability Distributions 5-10 PDF (144k)
Feb 4 Chapter 5: 5.1 Probability Distributions 11-13
Chapter 5: 5.2 Generating Random Data 14-17 PDF (27k)
Feb 7 Chapter 5: 5.3 Data Summaries 18-22 PDF (61k)
Feb 9 Chapter 5: 5.3 Data Summaries 23-29
Feb 11 Chapter 5: 5.4 Classical Univariate Statistics 30-31 PDF (138k)
Feb 21 Chapter 5: 5.4 Classical Univariate Statistics 32-37
Feb 23 Chapter 5: 5.4 Classical Univariate Statistics 38-41
Feb 25 Chapter 5: 5.4 Classical Univariate Statistics 42-45
Feb 28 Chapter 5: 5.4 Classical Univariate Statistics 49-50
Mar 2 Chapter 5: 5.4 Classical Univariate Statistics 46-48,51
Mar 4 Chapter 5: 5.5 Robust Summaries 52-58 PDF (24k)
Mar 7 Chapter 5: 5.6 Density Estimation 59-63 PDF (114k)
Mar 9 Chapter 5: 5.6 Density Estimation 64-70
Mar 11 Chapter 5: 5.7 Bootstrap and Permutation Methods (none)
Mar 14 Chapter 5: 5.7 Bootstrap and Permutation Methods (none)
Mar 16 Chapter 5: 5.7 Bootstrap and Permutation Methods 71-72 PDF (29k)
Mar 18 Chapter 5: 5.7 Bootstrap and Permutation Methods 73-74
Mar 21 Chapter 5: 5.7 Bootstrap and Permutation Methods 75 PDF (31k)
Mar 23 Chapter 5: 5.7 Bootstrap and Permutation Methods 76-78
Jan 31-Mar 23 Chapter 5: All Slides 1-78 PDF (444k)
Mar 30 Comments on Project #1 1-12 PDF (67k)
Chapter 7: 7.2 Binomial Data 1-3 PDF (84k)
Apr 1 Chapter 7: 7.2 Binomial Data 4-9
Chapter 7: 7.3 Poisson Data 10-13
Mar 30-Apr 1 Chapter 7: All Slides 1-13 PDF (84k)
Apr 4 Chapter 6: 6.1 An Analysis of Covariance Example 1-8 PDF (64k)
Apr 6 Chapter 6: 6.2 Model Formulae 9-15 PDF (51k)
Apr 8 Chapter 6: Model Building 16-26 PDF (120k)
Apr 4-8 Chapter 6: All Slides 1-26 PDF (198k)


This is archived information for Stat 445 Sect 201 (Spring, 2005).